Wednesday 2 December 2009

It seems that the Daemons may have gone

Baclofen 50, 50
No cravings, no alcohol, bit of a headache - few visual aura, but nothing too bad.
And for the first full day in about 6 weeks, I have not had a single 'voice' in my head. 24 hours without yet another uninvited guest. Acute Baclofen withdrawal really screwed my head up. It has been without a doubt the scariest thing ever in my life. I now have enough Baclofen to sink a ship!! You must avoid it at all costs.


  1. Why did you stop taking the Baclofen?

  2. We have strange tax laws here, and I do not have to pay VAT if I buy my Baclofen in 100 x 10mg tabs. If I buy 200 or 400, I get stung for VAT. Over a year, nevermind a lifetime, that's a lot of money wasted.
    The simple answer to your question is that, through a postal strike, and one on-line supplier letting me down, I simply ran out of Baclofen. I went from 100mg a day to zero over night, and didn't get any for about 10 days. And I'd been on it for months and months at that stage. The disgrace is that my doctor wouldn't prescribe me a short supply to help me out. And it is now very difficult to self-prescribe here.
    That's all. Something as simple as that nearly destroyed me. Please don't let it happen to you.
    Take care, and speak to you very soon.

  3. another reason I am upset, we have the most horrible insurance system here, they look for anything to deny coverage.................I am in deep fear, as I am almost out of baclofen, my insurance is being denied (unemployment insurance) which I paid for last month, frustrated to say the least, I left the pharmacy crying yesterday, as it costs over $300 to have my bac insurance (which I DID pay for already) hasn't gone through yet..........I fear running out, cuz the way I am feeling right now, I will spiral down too quickly like the old days, which scares the SHIT out of me................I don't want to have an episode like you just did Dr Phill(or worse!?) due to running worried......MA
