Wednesday 16 December 2009

Baclofen - Curing Our Alcoholism

Really crappy day. Spent hours on the phone trying to get my LFT's and scan date. Sometimes the system is too complicated to work properly. To cut a very long story short, I have 2 enzyme results and they are both raised. I couldn't get the most important one, of course!! I'm having them all repeated tomorrow, given the amount of Co-codamol I have taken since last Friday. My scan is being expedited because I'm having such severe liver pain. It feels like I've got a cannon ball-sized Pac Man in my belly trying to chomp his way out. It "feels" like there is an almighty lump in there. There probably (hopefully) isn't, but that is what it feels like in my insides! And it scares me.
I had a small bottle of cider. I did not have any cravings at all, but just fancied one like anybody normal would do after a shit of a day. It took me an hour and a half to sip it, I really enjoyed it, but didn't want another.
Baclofen 40, 40. Atenolol 100. Ibuprofen, but I'm not taking any more Co-codamol.

1 comment:

  1. think positively.......hate to say that, of course I am the worst person to be giving that advice!?!?! But studies have shown that positive thoughts can really improve your health.............MA
