Sunday 17 January 2010

Baclofen - Curing Our Alcoholism

Funny old world.
I mean nobody any harm. But one person is messing with my brain so much that I can't stand him. Which just isn't me.
Baclofen 40, 40, 40 until I run out again.
I must be the least perfect Baclofen taker in the World.
Speak to me people.
Pip xx


  1. I'm gradually walking my dose back down from a very high 240/day.
    Baclofen is absolutely a miracle-cure for alcoholism for me. I went from 8 vodkas a day to NOTHING in one week of Baclofen. Nothing. I tried to cheat once or twice, and promptly passed out both times with the worst imaginable hangover the day after.

    No cravings.

    I upped and upped my Baclofen dose to stay ahead of cravings and yes, to get that nice Baclofen fuzzy-feeling, which I actually enjoyed.

    Now I'm ready to go to maintenance doses. I'm also terrified of what might happen if I'm cut off at these heroic doses; will I go into status epilepticus? Will I land up in a mental ward somewhere, unable to contact my wife? I want to be at 60-120/day.

    Who has experience walking their dose down? How aggressively can one do it without vicious consequences?

  2. Welcome to out little group. Don't go away. We WILL do you good. They all do me good, after all.

    You will do fine. You are doing and thinking the very right things. Ask for all info from the people that come here. They know everything, and they want to share it.

    E-mail me privately if you wish. There are just are few things that you have written that make me say that. And I don't say that very often, my friend. I sense a kindred spirit.

    Walking down. One of my pet topics right now.


  3. I interpreted Dr. Ameisen's down-dosing to be 10 mg per day for 15 days. So he dropped from experiencing somnolence at 270 mg daily to his initial target maintenance dose of 120 mg in the "money" chapter of the book.

    I have been playing home physician (employing Dr. Ameisen's up-dosing protocol) and now have my brother at 260 mg, which we will call peak dosage. My brother now seems to have difficulty concentrating -- especially collecting himself and carrying out tasks involving several steps. He just walks around, smokes, and doesn't do the work. Doesn't sleep so well at night, but takes long naps throughout the day.

    He's got the usual sad history of alocholism. 30 years of progressive alcoholic trouble, to where he cannot hold a job or stay sober for even two weeks at a time. At lower doses of baclofen (~100 mg) he said he was amazed that he could drink and control it to a great extent -- instead of spiraling out of control, which has been his unwavering pattern for at least a decade.

    We are hopeful.
